Method Details

Details for method 'MSeg1080_RVC'


Method overview

name MSeg1080_RVC
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details We present MSeg, a composite dataset that unifies semantic segmentation datasets from different domains. A naive merge of the constituent datasets yields poor performance due to inconsistent taxonomies and annotation practices. We reconcile the taxonomies and bring the pixel-level annotations into alignment by relabeling more than 220,000 object masks in more than 80,000 images, requiring more than 1.34 years of collective annotator effort. The resulting composite dataset enables training a single semantic segmentation model that functions effectively across domains and generalizes to datasets that were not seen during training. We adopt zero-shot cross-dataset transfer as a benchmark to systematically evaluate a model’s robustness and show that MSeg training yields substantially more robust models in comparison to training on individual datasets or naive mixing of datasets without the presented contributions.
publication MSeg: A Composite Dataset for Multi-domain Semantic Segmentation
John Lambert*, Zhuang Liu*, Ozan Sener, James Hays, Vladlen Koltun
CVPR 2020
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data COCO, ADE20K, SUN RGB-D, Mapillary Vistas, IDD, BDD, Cityscapes
runtime 0.49 s
subsampling no
submission date July, 2020
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 80.7377
iIoU Classes 57.6726
IoU Categories 91.5025
iIoU Categories 79.5469


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.6684 -
sidewalk 86.9117 -
building 93.839 -
wall 64.9355 -
fence 66.1127 -
pole 69.2987 -
traffic light 76.624 -
traffic sign 80.3344 -
vegetation 93.9736 -
terrain 74.0237 -
sky 95.873 -
person 87.2823 69.9108
rider 70.5636 47.8425
car 96.1631 90.4065
truck 77.2148 43.5315
bus 84.9047 57.853
train 71.9061 47.2689
motorcycle 69.7503 46.4413
bicycle 75.6369 58.1263


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.7573 -
nature 93.6878 -
object 75.2588 -
sky 95.873 -
construction 94.115 -
human 87.1503 70.8709
vehicle 95.6753 88.2228



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