Method Details

Details for method 'HRNetV2 + OCR'


Method overview

name HRNetV2 + OCR
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details HRNetV2W48 + OCR. OCR is an extension of object context networks
publication High-Resolution Representations for Labeling Pixels and Regions; OCNet: Object Context Network for Scene Parsing
HRNet Team; OCR Team
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations, coarse annotations
used external data ImageNet, Mapillary
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date June, 2019
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 83.3116
iIoU Classes 61.9549
IoU Categories 92.133
iIoU Categories 81.6543


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.8281 -
sidewalk 88.2199 -
building 94.2288 -
wall 67.6116 -
fence 65.323 -
pole 72.1673 -
traffic light 79.0762 -
traffic sign 82.3549 -
vegetation 94.1115 -
terrain 73.8429 -
sky 95.9778 -
person 88.1399 72.9969
rider 74.9823 54.0508
car 96.3672 91.2252
truck 76.8785 43.8217
bus 92.2904 59.0728
train 90.8524 57.816
motorcycle 72.8106 51.0184
bicycle 78.8577 65.6371


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.774 -
nature 93.8351 -
object 77.6874 -
sky 95.9778 -
construction 94.374 -
human 88.2184 73.915
vehicle 96.0642 89.3936



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