Method Details

Details for method 'DeepLabv3'


Method overview

name DeepLabv3
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details In this work, we revisit atrous convolution, a powerful tool to explicitly adjust filter’s field-of-view as well as control the resolution of feature responses computed by Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, in the application of semantic image segmentation. To handle the problem of segmenting objects at multiple scales, we employ a module, called Atrous Spatial Pyrmid Pooling (ASPP), which adopts atrous convolution in parallel to capture multi-scale context with multiple atrous rates. Furthermore, we propose to augment ASPP module with image-level features encoding global context and further boost performance. Results obtained with a single model (no ensemble), trained with fine + coarse annotations. More details will be shown in the updated arXiv report.
publication Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation
Liang-Chieh Chen, George Papandreou, Florian Schroff, Hartwig Adam
arXiv preprint
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations, coarse annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date September, 2017
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 81.3379
iIoU Classes 62.0511
IoU Categories 91.6313
iIoU Categories 81.69


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.5931 -
sidewalk 86.1916 -
building 93.5295 -
wall 55.1757 -
fence 63.2389 -
pole 70.0424 -
traffic light 77.0897 -
traffic sign 81.3333 -
vegetation 93.7959 -
terrain 72.3212 -
sky 95.8643 -
person 87.6126 72.8883
rider 73.3587 53.8575
car 96.3178 91.2151
truck 75.0866 45.9517
bus 90.3914 57.8137
train 85.0893 55.9257
motorcycle 72.0899 52.8869
bicycle 78.2985 65.8698


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.7186 -
nature 93.4534 -
object 75.9651 -
sky 95.8643 -
construction 93.8672 -
human 87.8607 73.9794
vehicle 95.6898 89.4007



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