Method Details

Details for method 'AdaptIS'


Method overview

name AdaptIS
challenge instance-level semantic labeling
details Adaptive Instance Selection network architecture for class-agnostic instance segmentation. Given an input image and a point (x, y), it generates a mask for the object located at (x, y). The network adapts to the input point with a help of AdaIN layers, thus producing different masks for different objects on the same image. AdaptIS generates pixel-accurate object masks, therefore it accurately segments objects of complex shape or severely occluded ones.
publication Anonymous
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date June, 2019
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
AP 32.4791
AP50% 52.5225
AP100m 48.2192
AP50m 52.103


Class results

Class AP AP50% AP100m AP50m
person 31.3879 59.4919 49.7141 49.794
rider 29.0871 56.4277 45.907 46.7794
car 49.8044 75.1276 69.3574 71.3106
truck 31.6472 38.9581 45.6035 54.319
bus 41.6674 52.7572 64.9896 77.2432
train 39.4022 56.6251 58.0231 63.8269
motorcycle 24.6923 47.5495 33.8421 35.4143
bicycle 12.1445 33.2427 18.3169 18.1369



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