Method Details

Details for method 'PSPNet'


Method overview

name PSPNet
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details Scene parsing is challenging for unrestricted open vocabulary and diverse scenes. In this paper, we exploit the capability of global context information by different-region-based context aggregation through our pyramid pooling module together with the proposed pyramid scene parsing network (PSPNet). Our global prior representation is effective to produce good quality results on the scene parsing task, while PSPNet provides a superior framework for pixel-level prediction tasks. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on various datasets. It came first in ImageNet scene parsing challenge 2016, PASCAL VOC 2012 benchmark and Cityscapes benchmark. A single PSPNet yields new record of mIoU score as 85.4% on PASCAL VOC 2012 and 80.2% on Cityscapes.
publication Pyramid Scene Parsing Network
Hengshuang Zhao, Jianping Shi, Xiaojuan Qi, Xiaogang Wang, Jiaya Jia
CVPR 2017
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations, coarse annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date November, 2016
previous submissions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 80.2009
iIoU Classes 58.1379
IoU Categories 90.575
iIoU Categories 78.242


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.6397 -
sidewalk 86.5767 -
building 93.2157 -
wall 58.0853 -
fence 62.9588 -
pole 64.5077 -
traffic light 75.17 -
traffic sign 79.2077 -
vegetation 93.4372 -
terrain 72.0806 -
sky 95.0841 -
person 86.3359 67.9217
rider 71.3942 48.934
car 96.0389 89.9287
truck 73.5485 40.4466
bus 90.4139 53.9462
train 80.3452 54.2206
motorcycle 69.9005 47.9992
bicycle 76.8766 61.7066


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.6575 -
nature 93.1291 -
object 71.7767 -
sky 95.0841 -
construction 93.4886 -
human 86.4708 68.7112
vehicle 95.4185 87.7728



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