Method Details

Details for method 'CGNet'


Method overview

name CGNet
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details we propose a novel Context Guided Network for semantic segmentation on mobile devices. We first design a Context Guided (CG) block by considering the inherent characteristic of semantic segmentation. CG Block aggregates local feature, surrounding context feature and global context feature effectively and efficiently. Based on the CG block, we develop Context Guided Network (CGNet), which not only has a strong capacity of localization and recognition, but also has a low computational and memory footprint. Under a similar number of parameters, the proposed CGNet significantly outperforms existing segmentation networks. Extensive experiments on Cityscapes and CamVid datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Specifically, without any post-processing, the proposed approach achieves 64.8% mean IoU on Cityscapes test set with less than 0.5 M parameters, and has a frame-rate of 50 fps on one NVIDIA Tesla K80 card for 2048 × 1024 high-resolution image.
publication Tianyi Wu et al
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data
runtime 0.02 s
Tesla K80
subsampling no
submission date September, 2018
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 64.7618
iIoU Classes 35.8979
IoU Categories 85.7418
iIoU Categories 67.5184


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 95.9227 -
sidewalk 73.8936 -
building 89.856 -
wall 43.8558 -
fence 46.0484 -
pole 52.8631 -
traffic light 55.8521 -
traffic sign 63.7886 -
vegetation 91.718 -
terrain 68.3371 -
sky 94.1106 -
person 76.6967 52.1131
rider 54.2097 29.3069
car 91.2969 84.3637
truck 41.256 15.8054
bus 55.9974 29.9609
train 32.8467 15.9803
motorcycle 41.0542 20.9613
bicycle 60.8707 38.6914


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 97.6717 -
nature 91.2779 -
object 59.27 -
sky 94.1106 -
construction 90.2193 -
human 77.366 53.7381
vehicle 90.2767 81.2987



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