Method Details

Details for method 'SERNet-Former-woAt'


Method overview

name SERNet-Former-woAt
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details SERNet-Former Ablation Study: SERNET-Former is developed by using ResNet-50 as the baseline. This result shows the efficiency of the baseline itself trained for 60 epochs without using the additional methods.
publication SERNet-Former: Semantic Segmentation by Efficient Residual Network with Attention-Boosting Gates and Attention-Fusion Networks
Serdar Erisen
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date January, 2024
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 69.6534
iIoU Classes 45.1343
IoU Categories 86.7558
iIoU Categories 72.2926


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 97.0643 -
sidewalk 76.371 -
building 89.482 -
wall 46.5399 -
fence 47.9099 -
pole 55.0053 -
traffic light 62.9756 -
traffic sign 69.007 -
vegetation 91.2711 -
terrain 67.1256 -
sky 94.0108 -
person 79.7119 59.0404
rider 61.2579 40.5148
car 93.0889 85.3141
truck 50.8364 22.297
bus 62.4244 33.6118
train 54.2383 32.2961
motorcycle 57.7583 32.7868
bicycle 67.335 55.2134


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.0706 -
nature 90.809 -
object 62.3802 -
sky 94.0108 -
construction 89.8719 -
human 80.3342 60.9581
vehicle 91.8139 83.627



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