Method Details

Details for method 'ContextNet'


Method overview

name ContextNet
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details Modern deep learning architectures produce highly accurate results on many challenging semantic segmentation datasets. State-of-the-art methods are, however, not directly transferable to real-time applications or embedded devices, since naive adaptation of such systems to reduce computational cost (speed, memory and energy) causes a significant drop in accuracy. We propose ContextNet, a new deep neural network architecture which builds on factorized convolution, network compression and pyramid representations to produce competitive semantic segmentation in real-time with low memory requirements. ContextNet combines a deep branch at low resolution that captures global context information efficiently with a shallow branch that focuses on high-resolution segmentation details. We analyze our network in a thorough ablation study and present results on the Cityscapes dataset, achieving 66.1% accuracy at 18.3 frames per second at full (1024x2048) resolution.
publication ContextNet: Exploring Context and Detail for Semantic Segmentation in Real-time
Rudra PK Poudel, Ujwal Bonde, Stephan Liwicki, Christopher Zach
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data
runtime 0.0238 s
Nvidia Titan X (Maxwell, 3,072 CUDA cores)
subsampling no
submission date May, 2018
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 66.1354
iIoU Classes 36.8025
IoU Categories 82.7734
iIoU Categories 64.2744


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 97.6061 -
sidewalk 79.2413 -
building 88.7849 -
wall 43.8331 -
fence 42.857 -
pole 37.9459 -
traffic light 52.0247 -
traffic sign 58.8521 -
vegetation 90.0181 -
terrain 66.854 -
sky 91.9594 -
person 72.1678 47.1301
rider 53.9426 24.6504
car 91.6679 82.9059
truck 54.011 19.347
bus 66.4552 30.5792
train 58.3754 28.3276
motorcycle 48.9028 21.5497
bicycle 61.0729 39.9303


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 97.8015 -
nature 89.6254 -
object 47.741 -
sky 91.9594 -
construction 88.8979 -
human 72.6078 48.0915
vehicle 90.7808 80.4574



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