Method Details

Details for method 'Mobilenetv3-small-backbone real-time segmentation'


Method overview

name Mobilenetv3-small-backbone real-time segmentation
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details The model is a dual-path network with mobilenetv3-small backbone. PSP module was used as the context aggregation block. We also use feature fusion module at x16, x32. The features of the two branches are then concatenated and fused with a bottleneck conv. Only train data is used to train the model excluding validation data. And evaluation was done by single scale input images.
publication Anonymous
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data
runtime 0.02 s
subsampling no
submission date April, 2021
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 63.8835
iIoU Classes 37.7915
IoU Categories 84.349
iIoU Categories 67.4893


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 97.0199 -
sidewalk 75.1979 -
building 88.6545 -
wall 41.1023 -
fence 44.1955 -
pole 45.0408 -
traffic light 53.1977 -
traffic sign 61.2709 -
vegetation 90.8994 -
terrain 68.3601 -
sky 93.172 -
person 74.4238 52.1445
rider 50.9767 29.0778
car 92.4485 83.8811
truck 44.6049 16.9623
bus 46.3986 27.9013
train 39.6076 20.1281
motorcycle 45.2923 23.0655
bicycle 61.924 49.1716


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.1405 -
nature 90.5565 -
object 53.0934 -
sky 93.172 -
construction 88.9307 -
human 75.7703 53.5354
vehicle 90.7796 81.4433



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