Method Details

Details for method 'DRN_CRL_Coarse'


Method overview

name DRN_CRL_Coarse
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details Semantic image segmentation, which aims at assigning pixel-wise category, is one of challenging image understanding problems. Global context plays an important role on local pixel-wise category assignment. To make the best of global context, in this paper, we propose dense relation network (DRN) and context-restricted loss (CRL) to aggregate global and local information. DRN uses Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with different skip lengths in spatial directions to get context-aware representations while CRL helps aggregate them to learn consistency. Compared with previous methods, our proposed method takes full advantage of hierarchical contextual representations to produce high-quality results. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our methods achieves significant state-of-the-art performances on Cityscapes and Pascal Context benchmarks, with mean-IoU of 82.8\% and 49.0\% respectively.
publication Dense Relation Network: Learning Consistent and Context-Aware Representation For Semantic Image Segmentation
Yueqing Zhuang
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations, coarse annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date February, 2018
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 82.6992
iIoU Classes 61.0556
IoU Categories 91.7857
iIoU Categories 80.4749


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.8277 -
sidewalk 87.8252 -
building 93.9967 -
wall 65.4096 -
fence 63.6886 -
pole 70.1868 -
traffic light 77.4079 -
traffic sign 81.4412 -
vegetation 93.8675 -
terrain 73.4726 -
sky 95.7971 -
person 87.9066 70.9523
rider 75.2043 53.3335
car 96.4198 90.7995
truck 76.7718 47.0926
bus 91.5292 56.0492
train 90.4161 55.9716
motorcycle 72.2993 49.9733
bicycle 78.8164 64.2731


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.7801 -
nature 93.6028 -
object 76.0845 -
sky 95.7971 -
construction 94.1553 -
human 88.0284 71.95
vehicle 96.0519 88.9999



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